Saturday, 14 May 2011

Forbidden Practices in the world today.

Practices forbidden by God and now carried in the world as normal. Why are these Practices forbidden? Because they take the place of God who is suppose to be out guide. It seems as the world is coming to an end satan it trying his best to bring the world into his Old world order, which was destroyed at the cross.

1). THAT MAKETH HIS SON OR HIS DAUGHTER TO PASS THROUGH THE FIRE - human sacrifice, or in modern terms, an abortion. (Lev. 18:21, 2 Kings 16:3, 17:17, 21:6, 23:10. 2 Chron. 33:6, Jer. 32:35). No one is ever to kill another human being. A baby not born yet is just as alive as you and me because God also created and formed this life.

2). DIVINATION - the practice or art of discovering hidden knowledge and foretelling future events by occult supernatural means. Fortune-teller or psychic. (2 Kings 17:17, Jer. 27:8-9, Acts 16:16-24). Never go to a psychic or fortune-teller for any reason. God is the creator of the universe and He alone only knows your future.

Beware of: pychics, fortune tellers, Ouiji board, crystal ball, tarot cards, tea leaf reading, etc.

3). OBSERVER OF TIMES - same as astrology or stargazing. It is another form of divination. It is a person who looks to the stars for guidance. (Isa. 47:12-15, Jer. 10:2, Dan.1:20, 5:7,11,15). We should beware of horoscopes or anything that takes the place of God's direction. God is our guidance, not His creation. Horoscopes may appear to be harmless, but they become addictive. Reading horoscopes are another form of accepting and honouring occult practices that God has clearly condemned. They are written by people who believe in astrology and are disobeying God.

4). ENCHANTER - A magician; or sorcerer. One who casts spells; or bewitches. (2 Kings 17:17, Jer. 27:9). Avoid anything that has to do with magic. Remember, it doesn't matter if it appears good, magic is something God hates.

Beware of: yoga, meditation, mantras, hypnotism, subliminal tapes, New Age Medicine; etc.

If you would like to know more about these satanic practices that satan has fooled the world into accepting. click learn more.

Remember: Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices" (2 Corinthians 2:11). If we do not know what these things are or that they exist this will give Satan a chance to take advantage of us because we did not know that we should have avoided them.

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