Friday 25 February 2011

Body and mind.

As the world becomes increasingly flooded with a whole barrage of unhealthy food and things to do us harm. We a few tips it is possible to living a healthy lifestyle in an unhealthy world.

1. Listen to your body

Many people today do not listen to their bodies and believe that what others are doing will be right for them. This however is just an illusion. Listening to your body is simple, example if you feel the need to exercise but your body hurts then it is wise to say do not.

2. Rest

The body is like a machine and with any machine amounts of down time or time to rest and repair is needed. 8- 10 Hours is a good amount of rest from the body. Many Christians may also notice that we have a Saturday as a rest day given by God for this purpose.

3. Exercise

Exercise is important in keeping with a healthy body, As with anything in the world, when it stops it becomes rank. it is important to at least try to exercise as much as possible.

However with everything moderation is needed. With this world moving into the look good era it is important to say that you should remember that you are indeed exercising for your self and not for anyone else if not that you are exercising in vain. Remember if you look good and feel rubbish then it is probably in vain.

4. Diet

You are what you eat. ever heard that? what you eat and drink is important. Filling your body on sugar and things that are not good only serves one purpose you might know what that is.

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