Monday 21 February 2011

The Depleting fabric

As this world goes through what some on the media has called " Change and revolutions" it is interesting to note that as Christians or followers of Jesus Christ the warning flags are flying high and bright. The real issue here is one of the so called "Lukewarm" Christian. Many Christians have been like the unwise virgins, they have poured out their oil into the sand and have fallen in a walking slumber and any attempt to wake them up brings out responses such as " Let he without sin cast the first stone".

As follows of Christ it is our duty to trumpet the alarm to the nations and to people through all manners of speaking devices in a hope that those who are lost can come to Christ. We as follows of Christ are suppose to be a shining light in the ever darkening world. This is where lead by example, Many non-Christians and even atheists have come hard against Christians in this time of increased tribulations.
Some Christians may loose Their Jobs, some many loose friends and even family.

The main arguments that atheists and non-Christians have put together is that how can you tell me what to do when you do the same thing. This my friends should be a wake up call to the Luke warm Christians. This is the point where we should be asking our selves if we are indeed trying to live a Christ-Like life style or are we committing fornications against our God and his Christ with the world.
God does not demand that we be perfect all he ask is that we do everything in faith and seniority.

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